Lewis vs. Tua Press Conference


Sept 11: Lewis' & Tua's deadly cranium-relievers meet in a friendly handshake in Las Vegas

A long shot of the photo above

Lennox looks bored during the press conference

One of Tua's men listens to David

Lennox makes his entrance for the conference showing he's number one

Lennox listens during the press conference

David smiles and waves at the press

Tua is all smiles at the press conference

Tua makes his entrance pointing upwards(number one sign)

Lennox shows the audience he intends to keep his belts as Tua looks on

Sept 12: Lennox looks pensive as he listens during the conference in New York

More pics from the press conference in New York (from HBO.com)
Tuaman reads a poem to Lennox stating that he is going to knock him out. Lennox closes his eyes in disbelief because that poem means nothing in the ring. Emanuel Steward knows his fighter will win and he lets the press know.
Lennox states "I don't write poems but I will let you know one thing I'M not going to lose and thats the bottom line." Lennox refused to let Tua touch the belts all he can do is look.


Check out the two best heavyweights in the world having a good time during a promotional photo shoot for their upcoming bout..

Lennox poses for the camera Lennox & David pose David flexes his muscles for the shoot
Lennox smiles during the shoot David points with his right hand during the shoot. Lennox during the shoot
David putting his arms forward Lennox signaling he's number one Tua turns his back during the shoot.


Confrontation: Lewis & Tua face-to-face

Lennox looks bored while he listens during the conference

David Tua presents: his spiky hair to the press

Tua’s promoter can be seen in the reflection of Tua’s shades

Lennox tears up Tua's co-trainer’s prepared speech

Tua appears worried as he listens to Lewis complain about Tua’s hair

Lennox looks relaxed during the press conference

Lennox looks away from Tua as they confront each other

Another pic of Lennox tearing up the speech